
My 2014 Commitments

January 1st.

The day we all create personal commitments to ourselves for the upcoming year.
December 31st.
The day most of us realize we did not keep our commitments, and vow to start tomorrow.

This year it changes. I took some time to sit down and create my personal commitments for this year. One commitment per month. Twelve personal commitments to change my life for the better.

January - Creativity
It's a new year. I've grown over the past year and I've learned many valuable lessons. I plan to share my knowledge and talents in creative ways. I will not fear rejection or disappointment. I plan to be innovative in my businesses and to do things I've never done. 
February - Charm
Since the month includes Valentine’s Day, I plan on focusing on my interactions with others. I will take the time to listen and cherish all relations in my life. I will be kind to all and gain new friends. I will share fascinating parts of myself during conversations and ask for the same with those I am connecting with. And yes, I will smile more! 
March - Focus
The weather starts to warm up and I tend to get a bit distracted. This is the month I will create and search for new opportunities in my business and personal life. I will stay on top of my calendar and be more specific with my plans. I will value my time and spend it wisely.
April - Inspiration
It's the month to set out of myself and inspire others. I will take the first week to observe those around me. With the following weeks I will share my observations of success, power, wisdom, love, light, and friendship. I will give to those I do not know. I will ask for wisdom and knowledge from those I may not approach with such questions.
May - Love
The month I choose to show love. I will do one secret act of kindness every single day. I will make it a point to tell the ones I love, how much they really mean to me. I will give and give and give all the love I can and then some. Selflessness is the root of the month!
June - Reflection
It's half-way through the year. This month is also my birthday. I plan to take a full day to myself to simply, reflect. I will meditate every morning. I will celebrate my birthday as a day of gratitude for the parents that raised me and taught me all that I know. I will review the previous month's commitments and the following month's commitments and re-commit myself to 2014. And no matter what, I will LOVE myself and all that I am becoming.
July - Independence
Every day I plan to identify and note restrictions that are keeping me from independence and success. I will remove them from my life and look forward with clarity and understanding. I will not let anything get in my way and understand that I create the boundaries in my life.
August - Patience
I plan to take the first week and keep tally every time I get upset, angry, anxious, or frustrated. I will evaluate those times and gain an understanding of my triggers. The following weeks I will focus on those triggers to help increase my patience levels.
September - Knowledge
I love being smart. This is the month most go back to school. I will read 5 books this month. I will ask more questions during all of my interactions and use all the resources I have around me to gain knowledge. I plan on teaching somebody a skill to help me understand it better.
October - Confidence
Since Halloween falls in this month, fear is frequently discussed. I will build my confidence and conquer my fears. I will believe in myself and carry that belief in my countenance. I will let my close acquaintances know, that I know, they are capable of all they desire.
November - Harmony
This is the month of giving thanks. I will give thanks to all those that have helped me grow this year thus far. I will clear all confusion in my life and be at complete harmony with all those in my life and with myself. I will give thanks and cherish the balance I have gained.
December - Happiness
I will have executed my entire list by this month. I will have changed more than I could imagine and ever dreamed of.  I will take the time to celebrate and appreciate myself. I will feel at peace with myself and my future. I will share my joy with my family and friends as we gather to bring in a new year.

So there it is. A year of commitments. My commitments. 
I am eager to see what this year brings to my life. I am dedicated. I am determined. 

May you all take some time to set aside your own personal commitments (as many as you desire) and give this year to bigger and better things for your future.

Cheers & Happy New YOU!
- Jibbs

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